Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

Aerosmith - In Japan

Free download Album Concer Aerosmith - In Japan

01.Eat The Rich [05:11]
02.Falling In Love (Is Hard On The Knees) [03:28]
03.Same Old Song And Dance [05:23]
04.Love In An Elevator [05:26]
05.Livin' On The Edge [05:07]
06.Rag Doll [04:47]
07.Dream On [04:48]
08.Janie's Got A Gun [04:56]
09.One Way Street [07:03]
10.Pink [04:58]
11.Backstage [01:10]
12.Let The Music Do The Taking [05:03]
13.Stop Messin' Around [05:49]
14.Mother Popcorn [04:23]
15.Walk This Way [04:36]
16.I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing [04:24]
17.Cryin' [05:28]
18.Dude (Looks Like A Lady) [04:26]
19.Chip Away The Stone [04:35]
20.Mama Kin [04:13]
21.Train Kept A Rollin' [02:13]
22.Happy New Year [02:18]
23.Full Circle [04:42]
24.Sweet Emotion [05:16]
25.Heartbreaker [04:57]
26.Outro [00:27]


Senin, 11 Mei 2009

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Minggu, 03 Mei 2009

Lengkapi BlackBerry dengan "Amplop Merah"

Lengkapi BlackBerry dengan 'Amplop Merah'

Bandung Hotspot - Akhir-akhir ini pengguna BlackBerry di Indonesia makin meningkat. Seiring dengan itu, mailing list (milis) dan grup mengenai BlackBerry pun jadi booming.

Banyak orang yang ikutan milis tersebut untuk menambah ilmu mengenai BlackBerry, ada juga yang cuma mencari teman supaya bisa curhat atau nge-gosip.

Nah, yang jadi masalah adalah, karena begitu mudahnya member untuk me-reply setiap email yang masuk, tanpa mengenal ruang dan waktu, akhirnya, messages BlackBerry pun jadi membludak.

Ada yang baru ditinggal 1 jam, eh pas lihat messages BlackBerry emailnya sudah ratusan. Keluhan pun terjadi, mulai dari capek membaca email, BB yang bunyi terus menerus (bahkan saat meeting), sampai jempol yang senut-senut karena terlalu sering mencet tombol.

Untuk menanggulangi jempol yang pegal, banyak dari pengguna BB mulai mencari alternatif lain dalam mengikuti milis. Salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan 'Amplop Merah' atau aplikasi Gmail. Dengan diinstallnya aplikasi gmail ini maka keluhan-keluhan di atas mulai berkurang, dan kita tetap bisa mengikuti perkembangan milis.

Keuntungan menggunakan amplop merah antara lain:
  • Sistemnya yang pull mail membuat pengguna BlackBerry bisa memeriksa email disaat-saat yang dia butuhkan saja.
  • Jika mengikuti milis, maka setiap reply yang masuk di-compile di dalam satu Subject, sehingga pengguna BB tidak harus mencari email sebelumnya.
  • email mudah dihapus dan tidak terlalu membebani memory BlackBerry.
  • bisa menaruh lebih dari satu account.

Oh ya, untuk menginstal aplikasi Amplop Merah ini silakan buka m.google.com via handset BlackBerry kita. Semoga artikel ini bisa membantu pengguna BlackBerry.

Tulisan ini merupakan kerjasama Komunitas BlackBerry dengan http://bandungoke.blogspot.com/

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2009

Pertolongan Pertama pada BlackBerry ( P3BB )

BandungHotspot - Jika Anda tak bisa menerima atau mengirim email pada perangkat BlackBerry Anda gara-gara ada gangguan jaringan, tiga langkah pertolongan pertama pada BlackBerry (P3BB) ala pengelola mailing list id-blackberry@yahoogroups.com, Faizal Adiputra, mungkin bisa dicoba.

1. Cabut Baterai

Fungsi ini sama seperti melakukan location update di ponsel biasa, yang kalau di jenis tersebut bisa hanya dengan turn off/turn on lagi. Sayangnya BlackBerry harus dengan cara mencabut baterai dalam waktu minimal 1-2 menit.

2. Registrasi HRT

Fungsi ini untuk memastikan handset Anda terdaftar di network BlackBerry. Dengan telah terdaftar, maka tunnel dari handset Anda ke infrastruktur BlackBerry sudah terbentuk. Tunnel link ini yang men-trigger tulisan GPRS/EDGE/3G dalam bentuk kapital (huruf besar).

Pilih registrasi HRT dari Options >>Advanced Option >>Host Registration Table (pencet lagi tombol opsi) >>Register Now

3. Send Service Book

Kalau sekiranya handset Anda belum mendapatkan self registration email dari BlackBerry, maka send service book hanya bisa dilakukan via PC desktop. Namun kalau sudah berhasil mendapatkan notifikasi self registration namun masih lower gprs/edge/3g (masih dalam huruf kecil), maka send service book bisa dilakukan dengan masuk via email setting (browser: http://operator.blackberry.com)

Apabila setelah P3BB status network di handset Anda tidak berubah, silakan menghubungi operator BlackBerry Anda untuk menanyakan apakah ada masalah di jaringan atau pada billing Anda (prepaid/postpaid).

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

BlackBerry Bold

Power the passions you pursue with a smartphone that expresses your style and simplifies your life.

The BlackBerry® Bold™ smartphone embodies elegant design — without sacrificing the features or functionality you expect from a premium smartphone.


  • The BlackBerry Experience: No Compromises
  • With email, phone, IM and the Internet, it can connect you1. With an integrated organizer, it can help you stay on top of your day. With camera and video recording,2 you can capture and share the moment with just a few clicks.

    And that’s just the beginning. Learn about these great features:

  • Fast Performance
  • Do more—do it faster. The BlackBerry Bold smartphone was designed to take advantage of the speeds available on the HSDPA network.1,3 Together, this high speed network and the 624-MHz processor help support your need to multitask and prioritize with access to your voice and data services at the same time.

  • Multimedia
  • The fun goes with you. Enjoy premier image and video viewing, build playlists of your favorite songs and organize your media files. You can even use BlackBerry® Media Sync to transfer desktop iTunes® music files to your smartphone. Downtime may be rare, but the BlackBerry Bold smartphone delivers a wealth of entertainment. Learn more about media on your BlackBerry Bold smartphone:

  • GPS and BlackBerry Maps
  • Know where you stand. With built-in GPS capabilities, and BlackBerry® Maps, you get turn-by-turn directions, so you can pinpoint where you are right now and where you need to be.1,4 Learn more about finding your way:

  • Wi-Fi
  • Simple and straightforward. Lower your cellular costs and get service in areas where cellular network coverage may be limited or unavailable, with BlackBerry data services over Wi-Fi® networks.5

  • File Editing
  • With WordToGo and SlideshowToGo, you can work on Microsoft® Word and Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides while you’re on the go.1,6 Copy and paste, adjust font formatting and more.7 The stunning LCD display makes working on the go an invaluable option.

  • Mobile Streaming
  • The built-in mobile streaming capabilities on the BlackBerry Bold smartphone are designed so that you can watch online videos or listen to streamed music broadcasts.8 Access information and fun without using up the memory on your BlackBerry smartphone.

  • Brilliant Display
  • Color and clarity come to life. The screen of the BlackBerry Bold smartphone catches the eye and is designed to deliver color and clarity that exceed expectations. From the moment you turn it on, you’ll be blown away by explicit color and quality.

  • Power
  • With the BlackBerry Bold smartphone’s long-lasting, removable battery, you’ve got the power to get things done, whether you’re traveling, working away from the office or just on the go.9

  • Learn More
1.Requires activation with data plan.
2.Depending on the amount of built-in memory available for use, a third-party microSD card may need to be properly inserted into the BlackBerry smartphone to enable the video recording feature. MicroSD cards may be sold separately.
3.Actual speeds may vary by carrier and are dependent on network load.
4.Only available where BlackBerry Maps service is available.
5.Wi-Fi access may be blocked in certain locations. Users should also investigate the level of security available on any Wi-Fi network they are considering connecting to.
6.Requires BlackBerry Enterprise Server v4.1.5
7.WordToGo does not support Microsoft Word 2007
8.The BlackBerry Bold smartphone is designed to access 3GPP RTSP mobile streaming websites. Check with your service provider for supported features and services.
9.Results may vary. Network availability and coverage affect battery life and are dependent upon a number of factors, including location and transmission environment

5 Aplikasi Favorit di BlackBerry

Bandung - Banyak orang bilang bahwa BlackBerry itu bukanlah Handphone. BlackBerry adalah BlackBerry. Sulit untuk menjelaskan apakah BlackBerry itu. Itulah sebabnya Komunitas BlackBerry banyak bertebaran baik di Facebook maupun di Mailing List.

Salah satu yang membuat orang menikmati BlackBerry adalah banyaknya aplikasi-aplikasi gratis yang bisa diinstal di dalam os Blackberry.

Inilah beberapa Aplikasi Gratis yang banyak dipakai oleh pemakai BlackBerry:

1. Facebook
Facebook dengan blackberry sekarang sepertinya sudah tidak bisa dipisahkan. Banyak orang beli Blackberry hanya supaya mereka bisa mengupdate Facebook mereka setiap hari.
Link Over the Air (OTA): http://mobileapps.blackberry.com/devicesoftware/mobile/downloadServlet

2. Opera Mini
Ini adalah aplikasi browser yang paling banyak dipakai oleh dunia mobile. Penggunaan Opera Mini di blackberry sangat diperlukan. Banyak link yang terlalu berat untuk dibuka di browser bb, dan lebih mudah dilihat jika menggunakan Opera Mini.
Link OTA: http://mini.opera.com/mini.jad?rnd=1580561319&cert=none&edition=hifi&rel=4

3. Amplop merah (Gmail)
Penggunaan gmail marak di kalangan pengguna blackberry yang doyan banget ikutan mailing list. Ada beberapa kelebihan Gmail dibanding Message bb. (Dibahas di artikel sebelumnya)
Link OTA: http://m.google.com/mail/download/mail.jad?dc=gorganic&ver=2.0.6

4. Google map
Aplikasi ini merupakan alternatif lain dari BlackBerry Map. Kelebihan dari google map versi terbaru adalah adanya Lattitude. Dengan lattitude kita bisa mengetahui keberadaan sesama pengguna lattitude lainnya.
Link OTA: http://m.google.com/maps/download/maps.jad?dc=gorganic&ver=3.0.2

5. Viigo
Dengan aplikasi ini kita bisa mendapatkan update berita-berita dari seluruh dunia. Mulai dari CNN, ESPN, sampai ke yang lokal seperti Detik, Kompas, dll. Semua link berformat rss reader bisa dimasukan ke dalam aplikasi Viigo. Link:
Link OTA: http://viigo.com/download

Tulisan ini merupakan kerjasama Komunitas BlackBerry dengan http://bandungoke.blogspot.com

Facebook MengUpdate Aplikasi Untuk Para Pengguna BlackBerry

Bandung - Aplikasi Facebook untuk BlackBerry mendapatkan update terbaru ke versi 1.5. Pengguna BlackBerry bisa segera mendapatkan versi terbaru ini dengan mengakses halaman mobile.blackberry.com dari perangkatnya.

Setelah diunduh, aplikasi ini akan mendeteksi adanya aplikasi Facebook versi lama. Facebook versi lama kemudian akan digantikan oleh versi yang terbaru.

Setelah dipasang, terdapat tiga fitur baru pada Facebook 1.5 ini: BlackBerry Message Application

Pesan-pesan dari Facebook, seperti komentar pada foto yang dilakukan teman atau permintaan teman baru, kini bisa diakses melalui menu Messages pada BlackBerry. Sebelumnya, untuk mengakses hal-hal tersebut, pengguna harus membuka aplikasi Facebook.

BlackBerry Calendar Application

Dengan kemampuan ini, saat pengguna menandai akan ikut sebuah kegiatan di Facebook maka akan terupdate langsung ke aplikasi Calendar di BlackBerry-nya. Sebuah kalender berlabel 'Facebook' akan tersedia di perangkat BlackBerry.

BlackBerry Contacts Application

Lewat fitur ini, kontak di Blackberry dan teman di Facebook akan diintegrasi. Contohnya, foto profil teman di Facebook akan menjadi foto kontak di BlackBerry. Ketiga fitur baru itu bisa dipilih oleh pengguna pada saat pertama kali menjalankan aplikasi Facebook 1.5. Fitur yang perlu diperhatikan adalah yang terkait nomor kontak, karena hal ini bisa menyinggung privasi pengguna jika digunakan secara tidak bijak.

Fitur tambahan lain yang juga ada pada Facebook 1.5 adalah kemampuan mengomentari status teman di Facebook, menelepon teman dari aplikasi Facebook dan juga mengubah nomor telepon pada profil

Rabu, 29 April 2009

Ridho Rhoma - Menungu [Full Album]

Track List :
01. Menunggumu
02. Penyakit Cinta
03. Kerinduan
04. Cinta Segitiga
05. Dawai Asmara
06. Sekuntum Mawar Merah
07. Pesona
08. Dewa Amor
09. Pelangi
10. Aduhai

Putra mahkota ‘Kerajaan Dhangdhut Rhoma’, Ridho Rhoma akhirnya meluncurkan album dhangdhut perdananya. Di album perdana ini Ridho membawa band bernama Sonet 2, nama band yang mirip-mirip dengan band milik babehnya Soneta.
Akankah sang putra mahkota Ridho Irama akan meneruskan kejayaan ‘Kerajaan Dhangdhut Rhoma Irama’?.
Dengan modal suara yang cukup bagus dan tampangnya, tampaknya Ridho mulai membuka jalan menuju tangga singgasana kerajaan dhangdhut untnuk menggantikan sang bapak Rhoma Irama. Hal ini terlihat dari lagu menunggu yang telah direlease singlenya dan mulai cukup populer di kalangan penikmat musik Indonesia.
SatuMp3.com juga mencatat bahwa lagu Menunggu dari Ridho ini yang direlease sebagai single beberapa waktu yang lalu di mp3box.co.cc, tercatat sebagai lagu jumlah download dan kunjungan dengan rekor tertinggi.

dOWNLOAD hERE ... !!!!

Track List :
01. Menunggumu
02. Penyakit Cinta
03. Kerinduan
04. Cinta Segitiga
05. Dawai Asmara
06. Sekuntum Mawar Merah
07. Pesona
08. Dewa Amor
09. Pelangi

10. Aduhai

The Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow

01 Boom Boom Boom (ft. Kid Cudi)
02 Boom Boom Pow ELECTRO HOP (ft. David Guetta)
03 Boom Boom Pow Electro Hop (Video Remix)
04 Boom Boom Wow
05 Let The Beat Rock (ft. 50 Cent)
06 Let The Beat Rock (ft. Gucci Mane)
07 Will.I.Am - Invasion Talk

Album Year: 2009
Albums: The Black Eyed Peas Mp3 Albums
Mp3: The Black Eyed Peas Mp3
Biography: The Black Eyed Peas
Discography: The Black Eyed Peas
Torrents: The Black Eyed Peas Torrents
Karaoke: The Black Eyed Peas Karaoke
Lyrics: The Black Eyed Peas Lyrics

download here >>>>

Selasa, 21 April 2009

Limp Bizkit - Rock Im Park

01 Intro
02 Hot Dog
03 Show Me What You Got
04 Break Stuff
05 DJ Lethal Interlude 1
06 The One
07 Livin' It Up
08 DJ Lethal Interlude 2
09 My Generation
10 Re-Arranged
11 Master Of Puppets
12 Faith
13 Full Nelson
14 My Way
15 Nookie
16 I Would For You
17 Take A Look Around
18 Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle)
19 Outro

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Rabu, 15 April 2009

Lil Wayne And Juelz Santana - My Face Cant Be Felt

Album Year: 2009
Albums: Lil Wayne And Juelz Santana Mp3 Albums
Mp3: Lil Wayne And Juelz Santana Mp3
Biography: Lil Wayne And Juelz Santana
Discography: Lil Wayne And Juelz Santana
Torrents: Lil Wayne And Juelz Santana Torrents
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Lyrics: Lil Wayne And Juelz Santana Lyrics

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Elvis Presley - I Believe The Gospel Masters

Elvis Presley - I Believe The Gospel Masters

Album Year: 2009
Albums: Elvis Presley Mp3 Albums
Mp3: Elvis Presley Mp3
Biography: Elvis Presley
Discography: Elvis Presley
Torrents: Elvis Presley Torrents
Karaoke: Elvis Presley Karaoke
Lyrics: Elvis Presley Lyrics

Disc 1/4

1. I Believe 2:06
2. (There'll Be) Peace In The Valley (For Me) 3:24
3. Take My Hand, Precious Lord 3:19
4. It Is No Secret (What God Can Do) 3:56
5. Milky White Way 2:16
6. His Hand In Mine 3:18
7. I Believe In The Man In The Sky 2:14
8. He Knows Just What I Need 2:12
9. Mansion Over The Hilltop 2:58
10.In My Father's House 2:06
11.Joshua Fit The Battle 2:41
12.Swing Down, Sweet Chariot 2:34
13.I'm Gonna Walk Dem Golden Stairs 1:53
14.If We Never Meet Again 2:00
15.Known Only To Him 2:10
16.Crying In The Chapel 2:26
17.Working On The Building 1:52

Disc 2/4

1. Run On 2:24
2. How Great Thou Art 3:02
3. Stand By Me 2:29
4. Where No One Stands Alone 2:44
5. So High 1:58
6. Farther Along 4:06
7. By And By 1:52
8. In The Garden 3:12
9. Somebody Bigger Than You And I 2:28
10.Without Him 2:30
11.If The Lord Wasn't Walking By My Side 1:38
12.Where Could I Go But To The Lord 3:39
13.You'll Never Walk Alone 2:45
14.We Call On Him 2:35
15.Who Am I 3:18

Disc 3/4

1. I Was Born About Ten Thousand Years Ago 3:16
2. Life 3:12
3. Only Believe 2:50
4. Amazing Grace 3:35
5. Lead Me, Guide Me 2:42
6. He Touched Me 2:40
7. I've Got Confidence 2:22
8. An Evening Prayer 1:56
9. Seeing Is Believing 2:53
10.A Thing Called Love 2:26
11.Put Your Hand In The Hand 3:18
12.Reach Out To Jesus 3:16
13.He Is My Everything 2:41
14.There Is No God But God 2:20
15.Bosom Of Abraham 1:37
16.I, John 2:17
17.I Got A Feelin' In My Body 3:35
18.Help Me 2:30
19.If That Isn't Love 3:30

Disc 4/4

1. Down By The Riverside- When The Saints Go 1:57
Marchin' In (From Frankie And Johnny)
2. Sing You Children (From Easy Come, Easy Go) 2:11
3. Swing Down, Sweet Chariot (From The Trouble 2:18
With Girls)
4. Let Us Pray (From Change Of Habit) 3:01
5. Gospel Medley (From The '68 Comeback Special) 7:35
6. If I Can Dream (From The '68 Comeback Special) 3:10
7. Why Me Lord (Live) 2:36
8. How Great Thou Art (Live) 2:57
9. Help Me (Live) 3:39
10.I, John (From Elvis On Tour) 2:16
11.Bosom Of Abraham (From Elvis On Tour) 0:49
12.You Better Run (From Elvis On Tour) 1:49
13.Lead Me, Guide Me (From Elvis On Tour) 2:28
14.Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus-Nearer My God To 3:45
Thee (From Elvis On Tour)
15.Oh, How I Love Jesus (Home Recording) 2:01
16.Show Me Thy Ways, O Lord (Home Recording) 2:36
17.Hide Thou Me (Home Recording) 5:01.

Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

Jonathan Jones - We Were Young

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Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

Fatboy Slim - Dance Bitch

01. Fake Blood - Blood Splashing
02. Kidda Under - The Sun (Herve's Aint No Sunshine Mix)
03. John Acquaviva - First Stroke
04. The Chemical Brothers - Hey Boy, Hey Girl (Soulwax Remix)
05. Crookers - Knobbers
06. The BPA - He's Frank (Washing Up)
07. Santogold - Lights Out (Herve Remix)
08. Herve Cheap - Thrills
09. Aquasky - It Will Knock You Out
10. The BPA - The Seattle (Azzido De Bazz Remix)
11. X-Press 2 - Lazy Hardfloor
12. The BPA - The Toe Jam (Stanton Warriors Remix)
13. Aquasky - Have A Good Time
14. Chromeo - Fancy Footwork
15. Gorillaz - Dare
16. H 'Two' O Feat Platnum - What's It Gonna Be

Pearl Jam - Ten

Disc 1

1. Once 3:52
2. Even Flow 4:52
3. Alive 5:41
4. Why Go 3:20
5. Black 5:42
6. Jeremy 5:18
7. Oceans 2:41
8. Porch 3:30
9. Garden 4:59
10. Deep 4:18
11. Release 9:08

Disc 2

1. Once (Remixed) 3:51
2. Even Flow (Remixed) 4:53
3. Alive (Remixed) 5:40
4. Why Go (Remixed) 3:18
5. Black (Remixed) 5:38
6. Jeremy (Remixed) 5:16
7. Oceans (Remixed) 2:41
8. Porch (Remixed) 3:30
9. Garden (Remixed) 4:58
10. Deep (Remixed) 4:17
11. Release (Remixed) 8:59
12. Brother (Bonus Track) 3:59
13. Just A Girl (Bonus Track) 5:02
14. Breath And A Scream (Bonus 5:58
15. State Of Love And Trust (Bonus 4:49
16. 2000 Mile Blues (Bonus Track) 3:58
17. Evil Little Goat (Bonus Track) 1:29

Jumat, 13 Maret 2009

Bob Dylan - Playlist: The Very Best Of Bob Dylan '60s

01 - A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall 06:52
02 - The Times They Are A-Changin' 03:14
03 - With God On Our Side 07:07
04 - Chimes Of Freedom 07:12
05 - Boots Of Spanish Leather 04:39
06 - Mr. Tambourine Man 05:26
07 - It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) 07:33
08 - Like A Rolling Stone 06:10
09 - I Want You 03:07
10 - Positively 4th Street 03:55
11 - Down Along The Cove 02:23
12 - All Along The Watchtower 02:33
13 - I'll Be Your Baby Tonight 02:41
14 - Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You 03:23

Bob Dylan - Playlist: The Very Best Of Bob Dylan '60s
Album Year: 2009
Albums: Bob Dylan Mp3 Albums

Dr. Lonnie Smith - Rise Up!

Album Year: 2009
Albums: Dr. Lonnie Smith Mp3

01 - A Matterapat 06:47
02 - Come Together 05:07
03 - Pilgrimage 06:49
04 - Daper Dan 07:22
05 - And The World Weeps 07:40
06 - People Make The World Go Round 10:43
07 - Tyrone 06:15
08 - Sweet Dreams 06:47
09 - Voodoo Doll 04:43

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Plat Band - Jauh (Karaoke Version)

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Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

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Superman Is Dead - Jika Kami Bersama

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Jiung - Kalo Sayang Jangan Marah

Rabu, 25 Februari 2009

Music of the indonesian etnic

Traditional Indonesian Music

Gamelan orchestra

Gamelan music is the most popular and important kind in Indonesia. Gamelan orchestras accompany all dances and dramas. Gamel means 'to hammer', and most of the instruments of a gamelan orchestra are struck with wooden mallets, padded sticks or hammers.The conductor of a gamelan orchestra is a drummer who is part of the orchestra.

Instruments of a gamelan orchestra
A complete orchestra could have about 40 or more different instruments. There would be instruments that are struck to produce sound, such as kettledrums, xylophones, and gongs of various sizes. There would be a wind instrument, a bamboo flute called a suling, and string instruments such as a zither or lute. There would be instruments whose sounds are produced by vibration, such as drums, bells, cymbals and gongs.

There are also two sets of instruments that are tonal: the slendro tuned to five tones and the pelog, tuned to seven tones. The slendro is used to suggest festivity or cheerfulness, and is believed to have developed in Java in the eighth century. The pelog is used to express sadness, and is also very ancient in its origins. These two cannot be played together, but are used according to the mood of the piece being played.

Gamelan music
Gamelan music is complicated. It is an ancient form of music and has been handed down for many generations, never written down, but learned by being played. Gamelan is an essential part of Indonesian life. It is slightly different from island to island.

Angklung music
Another popular form of orchestral music is the angklung, which is played on instruments made entirely of bamboo of different lengths. Each instrument is made up of two bamboo tubes, each of a different note. The instruments are shaken to produce sound.

You can read more about gamelan and see pictures of instruments at the following sites

Music of the indonesian modern

Traditional music of the indonesian : angklung, okulele, gamelanand many more ......

The music of the Indonesian reflects the country's multi-ethnic population through a diverse array of styles. Rock and roll, blues, country, rhythm and blues, jazz, pop, techno, and hip hop are among the country's most internationally-renowned genres. The United States has the world's largest music industry and its music is heard around the world. Since the beginning of the 20th century, some forms of American popular music have gained a near global audience.

Native Americans were the earliest inhabitants of the United States and played its first music. Beginning in the 17th century, immigrants from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Germany and France began arriving in large numbers, bringing with them new styles and instruments. African slaves brought musical traditions, and each subsequent wave of immigrants contributed to a melting pot.

Much of modern popular music can trace its roots to the emergence in the late 19th century of African American blues and the growth of gospel music in the 1920s. The African American basis for popular music used elements derived from European and indigenous musics. The United States has also seen documented folk music and recorded popular music produced in the ethnic styles of the Ukrainian, Irish, Scottish, Polish, Hispanic and Jewish communities, among others. Many American cities and towns have vibrant music scenes which, in turn, support a number of regional musical styles. Along with musical centers such as Seattle, New York City, New Orleans, Minneapolis, Chicago, Nashville, Austin, and Los Angeles, many smaller cities have produced distinctive styles of music. The Cajun and Creole traditions in Louisiana music, the folk and popular styles of Hawaiian music, and the bluegrass and old time music of the Southeastern states are a few examples of diversity in American music.